Cloud Virtual Meeting Rooms

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    Cloud-based Virtual Meeting Rooms enable organisations to hold multiparty video conferences without the need for an on-premise MCU.

    VideoCentric’s Virtual Meeting Room Portfolio includes a range of services based on room size and quality, with additional options available to customize for your requirements.VideoCentric’s Virtual Meeting Rooms enable:

    • The highest quality HD Video Conferences with datasharing, presentations, collaboration & HD audio quality
    • Ad-hoc meetings whenever required – participants can join from any device, including their PC, laptop or tablet
    • Professional room systems and immersive telepresence systems to join in a call with those previously unable to be contacted
    • “Point-to-point” video conferencing systems to take part in multipoint conferences
    • Larger groups of participants to be involved in the session than available with an MCU unless a huge investment is made
    • Management and monitoring of your service to be carried out by VMR experts and a highly experienced technical team

    VideoCentric provide a number of different Virtual Meeting Rooms to meet the varied requirements of our customers, including room size, bandwidth or network connectivity, mobile & social media connectivity, data centre locations, encryption & resilience. Our friendly cloud adviser can help talk you through the options, just give us a call and we can discuss and help you compare both our VideoCloud 365 VMR offering and vendor specific cloud virtual meeting room solutions. 




    Choosing a VMR Service

    There are a huge range of VMR services available in the market place today, including both stand-alone VMR services and cloud collaboration services that include Virtual Meeting Rooms. 

    Many services are hard to compare, and vendors tend to market features such as room size (30 way, 50 way, 100 way) as one of the reasons to purchase their solution. However it’s important to recognise the huge differences between the vendors solutions, which may affect achieving your long-term communication goals. Ensure you take into consideration: what range of technology can connect into the VMR? Have you unlimited audio and video minutes? What additional features are available (recording & streaming, analytics, moderator & host controls, for example?), Can you call out directly, or is the service a “meet in the middle” offering?

    Cloud VMR providers Logos - BlueJeans GoToMeeting, VideoCloud, Videxio, Cisco, Easymeeting, Starleaf

    For a full break down of the features available with all the world’s leading cloud VMR services, including Lifesize Cloud, BlueJeans, Videxio and VideoCloud, and to read between the marketing lines, get in touch with our cloud specialists today who can understand your needs and provide you with the information you need to be on the right track. 

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