Interoperability & Multi-Vendor Connectivity

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  • Being able to communicate with one another, whatever device, whatever network, should be possible with any form of communication. However, with so many protocols & standards in the video world, and the number is growing, it is key for organisations to ensure their investment is interoperable, future proof, and they have the capability to communicate with anyone, however they choose.

    Many organisations with past investments in video infrastructure find themselves on a distinct island of technology – unable to communicate with the outside world, apart from others on the same island as themselves.

    VideoCentric’s aim is to enable teams to come together. Our core values lie within multi-vendor interoperability – see our manufacturers & partner page to find out more –  so we don’t focus on any one specific technology or solution, we focus on the solutions that enable the best experience and ensure connectivity between all. Within our interoperability testing suite – the most comprehensive suite in the UK – we stringently test each product & solution for interoperability challenges, and work with manufacturers and our service/product development team to ensure these islands can seamlessly connect.

    VideoCentric can assist you with:

    • Microsoft Teams to anything solutions
    • Cisco, Polycom and Lifesize (and more)
    • Zoom to professional Video Conferencing
    • Protocol transcoding i.e. SIP to H.323
    • Standards-based technologies and integration services
    • Guest access and firewall traversal solutions
    • Interoperable Virtual Meeting Room services, on-premise or in the cloud
    • ISDN to IP services
    • Planning, design and discovery sessions
    • Trade-in’s and buy backs for non standards-based or older solutions
    • Microsoft Surface Hub integration, and Microsoft “in the meeting room” solutions



    Get in touch with the VideoCentric team today to discuss your interoperability challenges, and find out ways in which we can help you join your islands of technology together.  VideoCentric supplies and installs a wide variety of integration solutions. Ask us for a live remote demonstration. Our devices, clouds and gateways are set up ready for instant access and of course that also means that our technical support team are ready to support you when things don’t quite go to plan.



    Many of our biggest customers have multivendor solutions in place – take a look at our case studies and find out more!


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