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  • Poly (ex-Polycom) were acquired by Plantronics, known especially for their world-leading range of headsets. They in turn have recently been acquired by HP. As a Gold partner of Poly, VideoCentric supply, install and support Poly’s entire range of Android and Windows systems for Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Renowned as a world-leader in video communications since the mid 1990s when the iconic and pioneering ViewStation was launched, VideoCentric has partnered with Poly since 2001. Today, their most prominent products for video communications include the all-in-one Android Studio X-series and their range of MTRs based on HP’s 12 generation 17 compute with support for 5K 21:9 ultra-wide displays for MS Signature Teams Rooms and Front Row gallery layout. Desktop conferencing is complemented by Poly’s extensive range of web cameras and USB headsets most of which are uniquely demonstrated by VideoCentric.


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