Poly Cloud Services

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  • Poly Cloud Services (Previously Polycom Cloud Services) are a range of services brought to you by Poly UK Gold Partner VideoCentric, for enriching your device experience on the platform of your choice, with a range of management tools and capabilities to create an engaging end user experience, and a superior support offering. 

    Whether you want to centrally manage Poly Voice devices securely, simplify a global deployment of Poly Trio, Studio and Group endpoints, access important data and metrics to understand and improve utilisation, or expand to the next evolution of meetings with IoT and AI, VideoCentric work alongside Poly to give you the specific services you need to address your needs and reach your business outcomes – from the cloud.

    What services are available? For more information, take a look at the specific service page in more detail, or get in touch with VideoCentric today to discuss how Polycom Cloud Services can be implemented into your organisation. 

    • Poly Device Management
    • Poly RealAccess Device Analytics
    • Poly Device Intelligence
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