What is Mobile Video Conferencing?

Mobile is the new way of working. Mobile Video Conferencing offers a cost effective, easy to use Video Conferencing solution that allows people to stay connected. Irrespective of where they are, sales teams, product managers, home workers, engineers, teachers, healthcare workers, directors and construction workers can communicate via mobile devices such as phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops, enabling todays on the move employees to be involved anywhere, anytime.

Free yourself from the office, meet anywhere, stay connected, eliminate barriers and extend video conferencing across your network securely.

  • Tablets, Mobiles, Laptops
  • Anytime, Anywhere
  • Secure & Reliable
  • Access to remote locations
  • Improve work/life balance
  • Reduce travel expenses

Expand your reach

Mobile Video Conferencing options are expanding rapidly in the business market. This creates many challenges and opportunities for those in an organisation with the task of putting a mobile video conference and video collaboration solution in place.

So how can Mobile Video Conferencing be implemented into organisations and improve services, reduce costs and increase productivity? Here are some examples of how video conferencing mobility has already benefitted the Healthcare Industry:

  • Healthcare institutions can offer a better, faster and more indepth service when incorporating mobile video conferencing into the workforce. Medical services can be offered to rural and distant locations, for example, remote islands and oil rigs, without heavily investing in low ROI buildings, offices and hospitals. This enables remote diagnosis, monitoring and checkups.
  • Ambulance services can use video to inform hospital staff of incoming patient requirements, be given better treatment instructions in transit and have access to specialist doctors in seconds if required.
  • Mobile video conferencing can enable fast access to specialists when situations such as poison, bites or infectious diseases occur. It allows for much faster response times in comparison to traditional methods.

“We are using technology to take the stroke specialists to the patient, rather than moving the patient long distances, around rural areas, to where specialists work,”
(Dr Paul Davies, Stroke Consultant)

“Video Conferencing has helped the trust save thousands of man-hours previously lost to travel”, (Dr Simon Carter, a consultant urologist at Imperial College Healthcare Trust).

White papers

Wireless Network Considerations for Mobile Video (Tandberg, 2007)

When implementing a wireless LAN for voice and video, it is important to understand the capabilities and limitations that are present in this technology. The demands of video can be supported however the implementation must be carefully planned and executed to ensure the desired performance level is acheived…

Extending TelePresence Beyond the Boardroom (Cisco, 2011)

The business world is changing. Today’s workforce is more global than ever before. Not only are teams spread out around the world, but people are also working from a greater variety of places – workstation, home office, coffee shop and anywhere in between. Business moves faster these days, too. Scheduling a large group meeting is often too slow for fast paced projects and industries. Today, meets occur ad hoc when they’re needed, wherever they’re needed…

Polycom RealPresence Platform: Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Video (Polycom, 2011)

Video is leaving the dedicated video conference room and becoming a standard communication tool and part of the individuals daily workflow. The days of Video Conferencing as a nice-to-have substitude for the corporate jet are long gone. For thought leading organisations, video has transitioned away from its historic limitations to become a mission critical component of Unified Communications (UC). In turn, this trend is having a profound impact on the scalability requirements of the visual communication system…

Impacting Your Business Drivers: A framework for CIOs and Decision Makers Considering Unified Communications (Wainhouse Research, 2011)

In his landmark book titled, “Good to Great”, business management strategist Jim Collins articulated why some companies become great while others do not. One portion of his research concludes that great companies adopt new technology only when it impacts their business drivers or when they are required to in order to maintain technological parity with competitors…

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