Collaboration Services

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  • Cloud-based collaboration solutions give people the power to create, edit, view, and work together in real time. Through the cloud, your organisation has complete flexibility to make better decisions faster, be face-to-face wherever people choose to work from and work from whatever device they choose to use. Cloud collaboration solutions enable teams to: 

    • Share, view and collaborate in Virtual Meeting Spaces
    • Meet and communicate via audio and video on any device
    • Work on content, hold meetings and catch up on the fly
    • Use technologies and solutions in the meeting room, at the desktop and on the go

    VideoCentric work with each of the world’s  leading collaboration technology providers to provide a range of cloud-based collaboration solutions, that bring together the technologies needed to connect teams, communicate freely and make businesses more productive.  Find out more about Collaboration in the Workplace >>

    Cisco Spark App

    What Solution is right for you?

    Whether for SMB’s or large enterprise organisations, the right solution all depends on what you hope to achieve, your business aims and the needs of your teams. Are you looking to:

    • Provide meeting spaces for teams and projects, or provide every team member with their own VMRs?
    • Enable extreme mobile flexibility so teams can simply switch from devices to meeting rooms as they enter?
    • Share data and information that can be worked upon at anytime, from anywhere?
    • Enable the highest quality conferencing in the meeting space, or at the desktop?
    • Utilise IM, with the ability to escalate? Or is audio conferencing the most important?

    Every question above and many more are important before deciding upon what cloud-based collaboration solution is the best for you. There are many solutions our team can talk to you about including:

    • Cisco Spark and the Spark Board
    • Microsoft Skype for Business and Office 365
    • Lifesize Cloud
    • Broadsoft & BroadCloud

    Lifesize Screen Sharing

    Why Cloud?

    Cloud solutions provide the flexibility, scalability and accessibility needed for many organisations to succeed in the world today. Through subscription based services, businesses can spread costs over time and remove the unnecessary costs associated with the outright purchase of equipment that may need updates, refreshing and replacing over time.

    By utilising a shared pool of resources, a company can increase access as the company grows, or use “cloud bursting” for one off or irregular activities, so that large costs are not incurred for underused technology. Plus, with the continual ongoing updating of the cloud, organisations get access to the newest developments, fixes and features as they are released, ensuring they keep up with technology over time.

    For more information on the Cloud, take a look at “Public Cloud: An Overview” and “Private Cloud: An Overview”.

    Get Started with Collaboration-as-a-Service

    Get in contact with us today to start on your path to a Collaboration-as-a-Service solution, that meets your business goals. Contact our specialists to discuss your needs, arrange a meeting around your table and find out what solutions will work for you. 





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